CodeLab IDE & Simulators

Preliminary note:

CodeLab is a software environment developed in Java within an academic institution. It is distributed on a not-for-profit basis, and available for download without any compensation. It relies on a number of libraries and third-party software. See note [1] for more information.

Download links:

After downloading the compressed folder, uncompress it to the location of your choice.

Version System Download & checksum [2] Size
version notes
Linux [3] CodeLab-Linux-1.0.0 [ md5 | sha1 ] 224 Mb
MacOS x86 [4] CodeLab-MacOS-1.0.0 [ md5 | sha1 ] 220 Mb
Windows [5] CodeLab-Win64-1.0.0 [ md5 | sha1 ] 221 Mb


CodeLab is in "beta" version, which means that it is a young software, which has not been used for significant periods of time, and with many users. Like any software in this case, it may have bugs. Please feel free to contact with any questions, comments, or problems you may encounter.

In addition, an exception detection mechanism has been implemented and CodeLab may offer to send you an error report in case of a crash. In this case, you will have full control over the information that is sent to us.

In case of a minor change or patch, a dialog box will ask you to update when you open CodeLab. You can disable this feature in the configuration file

Updates :

When CodeLab starts, it checks if there is a more recent version with improvements or patches. In this case, the following dialog box will ask you if you want to proceed with the update:

Plugins :

To install a pre-compiled plugin:

Available modules:

Applicative Module Author Source code Executable
Example of the first tutorial: "Hello World" module CodeLab Team HelloModule.pac
Example of the second tutorial: 2D drawing module CodeLab Team DrawingModule.pac
Example of the third tutorial: NXT engine simulator CodeLab Team MotorModule.pac
Sorting Laboratory (bubble sort, quick sort, etc.) CodeLab Team SortingModule.pac
CoreTech 3D 5-axis industrial robot CodeLab Team Robot3DModule.pac

To compile a module:

To create a new module:

The design of the modules is detailed in the Documentation section as three tutorials with progressive difficulty.

Warning : CodeLab must have been run at least once!

  1. Open a Bash (or MS-DOS) terminal into the CDK directory
  2. Run the command Foo or newmodule.bat Foo

  3. You can already test your new "Module Foo" by launching CodeLab

  4. You can now view and edit the following 3 files:

  5. Run the command or build.bat to build and test your plugin


[1] CodeLab includes and/or uses the following third-party libraries and software:

  • Supported languages:

  • [2] A checksum is used to verify the integrity of the compressed folder. To do this, you can use either md5 or shasum under MacOS, or md5sum or sha1sum under Linux, or download one of the following utilities:

    [3] CodeLab uses the Jinput Java library to access the different controllers (keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc.). Jinput is open source under BSD license. On some Linux systems, an operation is necessary to give access to the drivers of the controllers. Before running CodeLab for the first time, enter the following command in a terminal: sudo chmod a+r /dev/input/event* or run the script of the CodeLab distribution.

    [4] MacOS systems integrate a mechanism that blocks at its first execution any downloaded software that does not have an Apple certificate (annual subscription for developers). On the other hand, CodeLab integrates the free Java distribution "AdoptOpenJDK" which is also not signed by Apple. The first time you run CodeLab (with the right mouse button and with an administrator account) you get the following message:


    Warning: This operation has enabled the "Allow applications downloaded from anywhere" option in the "Security and Privacy" panel of the system preferences. Once CodeLab has run the first time without problems, you can disable this option.

    [5] Installation notes for Windows:

    Windows systems integrate by default a mechanism that blocks at its first execution any downloaded software that does not have a Microsoft certificate. When you run CodeLab for the first time, you will probably get the following message: